Women and Decision-Making

Participation in decision-making in both private and public realms is at the heart of gender and human rights issues. CAWTAR is working on local, national and regional levels to promote equality within this process, with a particular focus on gaining a better understanding of decision-making mechanisms and identifying the barriers that hinder equality in order to propose effective strategies and solutions. Research, training, networking and advocacy become the cornerstones of an interlinked program that addresses all aspects of women’s participation in the various domains of decision-making.

Different projects and components of projects are being implemented to achieve a better integration of women in decision making processes.​

Women and Decision-Making

Civil Society Capacity Building and Leadership Development for Community Conflict Resolution

Gender and decentralization in Jordan, Libya, Tunisia and Yemen

MEDITER – Women for Change

Promote gender and support emerging civil society organizations to play an effective role in democratic transition in the Arab region

Women’s Political Participation in the MENA region – An awareness raising package

Arab Women and Local Governance

4th AWDR on: Arab Women and Decision-Making

The Professional Fellows Program between Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, and the U.S.

La participation des femmes et des médias, clefs d’une Gouvernance locale Démocratique


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