Women and the Media

The media constitutes a powerful actor in development as an agent of change, through its ability to promote a balanced image of women in the region and contribute to changing attitudes and behaviors. Based on this premise, CAWTAR works on building sustainable partnerships with media professionals in order to take full advantage of the wide reach of media outlets in the effort to promote gender equality. A better understanding of gender within the media, the increased capacity of media professionals to better address and relay gender issues, and the use of media to advocate for women’s rights are considered as challenges and essential steps towards achieving gender equality and promoting an accurate image of Arab women.

Different projects and components of projects are being implemented to achieve a better involvement of media and journalists in achieving gender equality, combat gender based stereotypes and promote women's rights.​​​

Women and the Media

Media Centre for the training of media professionals and media institutions on Arab women's issues and the advance of women's status

Gender Mainstreaming: Regional MDG Capacity Building

Building Capacities of media professionals for budget tracking and analysis

Media and Women’s rights in Tunisia

Electronic Clearinghouse on Arab Women and Development

The Politic Dimensions of Media Images

CAWTAR's Media Unit


AdoOnline Newsletter

Arab Woman Media Watch

CAWTAR’s Media Competitions


All Events

Media Center,

register, organize, have informations...

All media