Media and News
Our Projects

Our Projects
Autonomisation des femmes et jeunes filles syriennes réfugiées au Liban
Donor | Partners | Budget | periode | country |
Fonds saoudien de développement | * Université arabe ouverte Bierut * ONG "NOON" |
100 000 US $ |
Start date: 2019 End date: 2021 |
Liban |
Outcome | Des femmes et jeunes filles syriennes réfugiées au Liban ont été autonomisées sur le plan cognitif et économique pour une vie décente et en vue de leur inclusion sociale. |
Output | * Les capacités professionnelles de 50 femmes et jeunes filles syriennes réfugiées au Liban, sont renforcées en informatique et en comptabilité. * 20 animatrices de jardins d’enfants réfugiés syriens sont formées sur "les éléments d'une éducation positive et la prévention de la violence au sein de la famille. * Un environnement sociétal favorable à l'autonomisation sociale et économique des femmes et des filles réfugiées syriennes se fait sentir. |
Target Group |
* Femmes et jeunes filles syriennes réfugiées au Liban * Des animatrices de jardins d’enfants syriens réfugiés au Liban * Des mères de familles syriennes réfugiées. |
Civil society and media's role in achieving SDGs (Arab Countries) 2030
Donor | Partners | Budget | periode | country |
Arab NGO Network for Development | Arab NGO Network for Development Espace Associatif – Maroc Mnistry of social Development Oman Mauritanian Journalists Syndicate |
Budget Project Civil society and media's role in acheiving SDGs 2030 : 250000.00 $ | Start Date : 10/1/2016 End Date : 12/31/2019 |
Regional |
Outcome | Strengthening the role of civil society organisations and media professionals as major development players to achieve the 2030 Agenda. |
Output | Raising journalist's knowledge on new SDGs and Enhancing civil society's skills on SDG's Publishing a practical guide dubbed Field Initiatives for the sustainable development goals adopted by the Agenda 2030 Publishing the 7th Arab Women Development Report 2019 : Gender Equality in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: The Role of Civil Society and the Media |
Target Group |
70 of civil society organisations and media professionals whose are members of the Arab Network for Gender and Development (ANGED) |
Civil Society Capacity Building and Leadership Development for Community Conflict Resolution
Donor | Partners | Budget | periode | country |
Open Society Foundations - Jordan | Projet 2 OSF : 800000.00 $ | Start Date : 3/1/2014 End Date : 2/28/2017 |
Tunisia |
Outcome | * Collective and individual competences from exceptional associations pass their expertise and experience in the field of human rights with all its levels, gender issues, conflict management, partnership, networking, etc. to other civil society components. * Leadership specificities for associations involved in the project have developed and their capacity in contributing to local community conflict resolution has been reinforced. |
Output | * Collective and individual (associations) capable of coaching, mentoring and training have passed their experience and expertise to other associations. * Two alliances on conflict resolution and on women's issues during the democratic transition (between a number of associations) have been established and activated. * Associations become active in social change through mediation to resolve conflicts, and the culture of dialogue * Associations involved in the project have been provided with regular coaching and follow-up and using formulated tools |
Target Group |
CSOs, local authorities, local Media |
Ensemble pour Elaborer le Plan d’Action National Tunisien de la 1325
Donor | Partners | Budget | periode | country |
ONU FEMMES - Tunisie | Ministère de la Femme, de la Famille, de l'Enfance et des Personnes agées | US$ 100 000 | Start Date : 9/1/2017 End Date : 10/31/2018 |
Tunisia |
Outcome | Le projet a pour but de contribuer à la réalisation de l’égalité en les femmes et les hommes dans tous les domaines et plus précisément dans la prise de décision. |
Output | 1. Un comité de pilotage renforcé 2. Un Plan d’Action National 1325 Finalisé et adopté 3. Une campagne de plaidoyer pour faire adopter le PAN 1325 |
Target Group |
55 représentants des Ministères et 15 représentants de la société civile |
La participation des femmes et des médias, clefs d'une Gouvernance locale démocratique
Donor | Partners | Budget | periode | country |
Agence Espagnole pour la Coopération Internationale au Developpement * Ambassade d’Espagne en Tunisie | budget global du projet : 95700.00 euros | Start Date : 9/1/2016 End Date : 12/31/2018 |
Tunisia |
Outcome | Objectif général du projet : Contribuer à la décentralisation démocratique et à lutter contre la désaffection politique à travers une plus grande participation et implication des associations et des médias au niveau local. Les Objectifs spécifiques du projet: * renforcer les capacités d’associations locales pour promouvoir une gouvernance locale sensible au genre et ce dans 3 gouvernorats de la Tunisie; * promouvoir l’accès des femmes et des jeunes aux moyens d’expression publique; * développer des échanges entre les autorités locales, les ONGs et les médias pour une Gouvernance locale sensible au genre dans 3 gouvernorats de la Tunisie et ce à travers une plateforme d’échange et de coordination. |
Output | Produits attendus: * Disposer de données relatives à la participation des femmes dans la vie politique et public et sur les principaux acteurs des Gouvernorats ciblés (Bizerte, Gafsa et Gabes) fournissant des services en relation avec les droits et l’appui aux femmes. * sensibilisation des acteurs locaux (société civile, Média et autorité locale) de Gafsa, Bizerte et de Gabes sur les politiques locales sensibles au genre et les ODDs ainsi que sur la participation des Femmes et des jeunes dans la Gouvernance locale; * sensibilisation de Citoyens et citoyennes de Gafsa, Bizerte et de Gabes sur les la gouvernance locale garantissant la participation des femmes et des jeunes ; * Renforcement de compétences de femmes et jeunes membres d’associations et de journalistes de Gafsa, Bizerte et de Gabes, pour une meilleure participation dans le processus de décentralisation et Gouvernance locale démocratique basée sur des politiques sensibles au Genre. |
Target Group |
ONG, autorités locales, médias locaux et grand public |
Donor | Partners | Budget | periode | country |
Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa | Organisation Nationale de l’enfant et la femme ONEF | US $ 150.000 | Start Date : 4/2/2018 End Date : 9/30/2019 |
Côte d'Ivoire |
Outcome | Objectif général : Accroître les revenus des femmes membres du groupement de Saleupleu dans le Département de Danané, à l’ouest de la Côte d’Ivoire de 25% d’ici fin 2018 par le biais d’activités génératrices e revenus. Objectif spécifique 1 : Améliorer la productivité des femmes du groupement de Saleupleu ; Objectif spécifique 2 : Instaurer des activités productives à Saleupleu et pérennisées ; Objectif spécifique 3 : Améliorer les capacités des femmes de Saleupleu et promouvoir leurs droits ; |
Output | Impact du projet : les Femmes membres du groupement de Saleupleu, ont acquis leur autonomie financière et leurs conditions de vie sont améliorées Effet 1 : Les productions des femmes du groupement de Saleupleu ont augmenté, leur qualité améliorée et sont mieux vendues. Effet 2 : Les femmes du groupement de Saleupleu génèrent des revenus et assurent la pérennisation de leurs activités ; Effet 3 : Les femmes de Saleupleu connaissent leurs droits et en jouissent pleinement. |
Target Group |
110 femmes et jeunes filles du village forestier de SALEUPLEU – DANANE |
Women economic empowerment : Sewing and Hair dressing In DABOU – CÔTE D’IVOIRE
Donor | Partners | Budget | periode | country |
Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa | Fédération des ONGs de la Côte d’Ivoire - FEDOCI | US $ 150.000 | Start Date : 4/6/2018 End Date : 6/30/2019 |
Côte d'Ivoire |
Outcome | Objectifs Objectif général du projet : Améliorer les conditions de vies des femmes et des jeunes filles mères ainsi que leurs familles dans la commune de Dabou. Objectifs spécifiques : * Améliorer les revenus de 52 femmes chefs de familles et jeunes filles vulnérables en les formant à des métiers ; * Faciliter l’intégration économique de ces femmes ; * Renforcer les capacités des femmes à apprendre des métiers pour leur insertion professionnelle en matière de : santé de la reproduction, l’alphabétisation, l’autonomisation et les droits des femmes, l’éducation financière… * Créer un environnement communautaire favorable à l’autonomisation économique des femmes * Assurer la pérennité du projet |
Output | Résultats attendus : * Les besoins des femmes chefs de familles et vulnérables de même que la zone ciblée sont identifiés en collaboration avec toutes les parties prenantes ; * 52 femmes et jeunes filles sont insérées dans la vie socio-professionnelle ; * Les conditions de vie des bénéficiaires et de leurs familles améliorées avec un meilleur accès aux services publics (éducation, santé et alimentation). * 90% des femmes formées maitrisent la formation au métier de la couture et de la coiffure ; * 90% des femmes formées sont sorties de l’analphabétisme et ont amélioré leurs connaissances en leadership, en Droits Humains, en gestion financière, en Santé de la Reproduction, et adoptent un changement de comportement ; * Un manuel didactique sur les techniques au métier de la couture et de la coiffure est édité et mis à la disposition de chaque femme ; * Le projet est vulgarisé et connu par le Gouvernement, les Ministères techniques concernés, les acteurs, les collectivités locales ; * Les médias et les composantes la société civile appuient le projet ; * Les résultats du projet sont capitalisés. * La pérennité du projet est assurée . |
Target Group |
52 femmes et jeunes filles de la localité de DABOU |
Women Economic Empowerment in Senegal launch of a poultry farm NIACOULRAB – SENEGAL
Donor | Partners | Budget | periode | country |
Islamic Development Bank - Regional Office Arab Bank of Economic Development in AFRICA / ABEDA |
Women in Law and Development in Africa | US $ 150.000 | Start Date : 10/1/2015 End Date : 10/31/2017 |
Senegal |
Outcome | |
Output | Capacity building for a group of poor/rural women in the area of agricultural produce processing and poultry production by empowering them economically and developing their knowledge and productive capacity |
Target Group |
70 femmes et jeunes filles Rurales |
Women Economic Empowerment Processing of Agricultral products à Koulak – Louga – Fatick / Sénégal
Donor | Partners | Budget | periode | country |
Islamic Bank of Development + Arab Bank of Economic Development in Africa | Association des Femmes de l'Afrique de l'Ouest - Sénégal | US $ 300.000 | Start Date : 10/1/2015 End Date : 3/31/2018 |
Senegal |
Outcome | |
Output | Capacity building for a group of poor/rural women in the area of agricultural produce processing and poultry production by empowering them economically and developing their knowledge and productive capacity. |
Target Group |
120 femmes et jeunes filles Rurales sans revenus |
InnovAgroWoMed : Social Innovation in the Agri-food sector for Women’s Empowerment in the Mediterran
Donor | Partners | Budget | periode | country |
European Union ENI CBC PROGRAM 2014-2020 |
Partners: University Of Rome Tor Veegata-Italy European Centre Of Studies and Initiatives-Italy Young People Towards Solidarity and Development – Spain Palestinian Businesswomen's Association ASALA * Palestine Associated partners Conseil International des Femmes Entrepreneurs – Tunisie Ministère de la Femme, de la Famille, de l'Enfance et des seniors – Tunisia Association of Women Committees for Social Work – Palestine New Farm Company – Palestine Italian Association of Women for Development – Italy CNCA * Coordinamento Nazionale Comunità d'Accoglienza Dipartimento per le pari opportunità * Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri * Italy |
EUR 2 838 181 | Start Date : 12/25/2019 End Date : 12/24/2022 |
Italy Palestine Spain Tunisia |
Outcome | * Increase women inclusion in the society by improving their economic participation. * Increase the employability of women involved in project activities |
Output | * 140 women trained in marketable skills in the agri-food sector * 4 job profiles defined according to the needs of the agri-food sector * 4 coaching and mentoring programmes * 4 traineeship programmes for women on Rural Social Innovation * 2 agro-business fora to match job profiles with local business needs * 4 agreements for a local agri-food stakeholder network to help match between job offers and demand * 112 women with a sustainable job by the end of the project |
Target Group |
Women (NEETs), Youth Agro Food actors |
Enhancing women participation in the public life at the local level
Donor | Partners | Budget | periode | country |
MEPI - Regional Office - Tunisia | 88,080 USD | Start Date : 10/1/2016 End Date : 6/30/2017 |
Tunisia |
Outcome | Civic culture exists that supports democratic values and the active participation of all individuals in social and political life |
Output | Citizen understanding of rights and civic responsibilities increases |
Activities | * Preparatory phase * 8 training sessions in Medenine and Gafsa * Organize a policy dialogue roundtable between local women, CSOs and LA with political women/leaders who succeeded in their political life and media * Organize a workshop to evaluate the 5 activities * Production of Radio Capsuls * The documentary film * Mapping publication |
Target Group |
A woman’s active in political parties an NGO’s in Gafsa and Medenine. |
Enhancing youth and women engagement in the political life in Tunisia
Donor | Partners | Budget | periode | country |
MEPI * Regional Office * Tunisia | Association femmes rurales* Jendouba Association Horizons El Kef Pour Le Développement Intégral Association Joussour citoyenneté – Le Kef Association Tunisienne pour la Promotion du Droit à la Différence Association We love Bizerte |
260.827.000 : 0.00 $ | Start Date : 7/29/2019 End Date : 6/30/2021 |
Tunisia |
Outcome | * Raise awareness among youth and women voters (between ages 18-34) on the importance of being politically active citizen and vote in the upcoming elections * Empower and provide Support Assistance to active women and youth candidates in the upcoming legislative elections; to run for office and design community based projects * Create a local dialogue among youth and women’s active in the Houses of Youth, Cinema-clubs, women and youth commissions among the political parties, media, and social media to participate actively in the electoral dynamics events, and participate in the design of community based projects |
Output |
Target Group |
Cine clubs, Maison de jeunes and Maison de culture ONG Political parties womens candidates for the legislative election 2019 Youth candidats for the legislative election 2019 |
Promoting women's presence in the media on the local level
Donor | Partners | Budget | periode | country |
Arab Gulf Programme for Development | Lebanese Women Democratic Gathering Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour- Oman Mauritanian Syndicate of journalists |
Budget Promoting women's presence in the media on the local level : 200000.00 $ | Start Date : 6/18/2015 End Date : 1/31/2018 |
Tunisia Mautitania Jordan Oman |
Outcome | |
Output | Promoting the way the media treats women's issues on the local level by raising journalist's awareness on gender issues and human rights, enabling local authorities in all fields. |
Target Group |
Local Media professionals |
Main Objective :
To push for an equitable, gender-sensitive media coverage that is responsive to women's issues and needs during municipal elections
Main results :
* Strengthening the capacities of about 110 local (male and female) media professionals in equitable and gender-sensitive media coverage that is responsive to women’s issues and needs during municipal elections
* Producing 6th Arav Women Development report on “The Role of Civil Society and Women in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals".
Preventing Gender-Based-Violence in Public Space/s: From Knowledge to Action towards Change.
Donor | Partners | Budget | periode | country |
Open Society Foundations - Jordan | Sousse University UNFT ATFD |
$500 000,00 | Start Date : 11/1/2017 End Date : 4/30/2020 |
Morocco Tunisia |
Outcome | 1. Building/strengthening national and regional capacity on innovative methodology and tools in action research to produce knowledge and related evidence on GBV in public spaces. 2. Creating a GBV Virtual Resource Center as e-platform of sharing knowledge and experiences. 3.Facilitating change and development of new areas of policy, in order to tackle GBV and sexual harassment in public spaces through evidence based advocacy interventions |
Output | * An Action Research to be conducted thanks to an innovative methodology and tools adapted to GBV in public space/s tested and validated for use by country, regional experts, academics and research centers. * # Young experts and women NGOs nominated members (at least 5-member team per country) master action research and become champions of change. * # Research Consortium able to provide a collaborative, multi-disciplinary vehicle to engage in social action research that influences significant local, national and regional practice and policy related to Gender-based Violence/GBV in public spaces. * A virtual resource center operational as a space for sharing knowledge and information, good practices and experiences as well as communication & debate channel which could also include an electronic newsletter . * # Raising awareness networks set up (at least 1 in each targeted country and 1 at regional level) for prevention & reduction of GBV threats in public spaces * # Advocacy and policy dialogue coalitions established as pressure groups towards adoption of pertinent measures (e.g. GBV laws, policy, mechanisms at institutional local and/or national levels) to be approved and implemented. * # policy/decision makers and parliamentarians reached to prevent and/or address GBV in public spaces. * # of women and girls knowing and claiming their right to access to a safe and friendly public space. * CAWTAR has enhanced its human resources and improved its financial planning and the quality of its work by recruiting two new positions: A full time Resource Mobilization Officer and a part time Program Quality Control Advisor * CAWTAR’s staff capacities enhanced through one staff retreat and one training workshop. |
Target Group |
ONG Universities |
fostering Gender Equality for Women and Men behind the Camera
Donor | Partners | Budget | periode | country |
European Union | * “Shashat Woman Cinema” * "Cinematography Master Class" (CMC) and the Tunisian Foundation "SCREENS Foundation" |
budget fostering Gender Equality for Women and Men behind the Camera : 81838.86 € | Start Date : 6/1/2018 End Date : 5/31/2019 |
Palestine Tunisia |
Outcome | Supporting the capacities of trainers and film professionals, both professional and amateur, by providing them with tools and mechanisms for writing and directing that are sensitive to the concepts of equality and gender |
Output | To produce practical guides and film projects scenarios in Tunisia and Palestine |
Objectives | * Support the capacity of over tan 50 filmmakers, professionals, and amateurs from Tunisia and Palestine in the film industry including 70 percent women, * Empowering them with the tools and mechanisms of gender-sensitive screenwriting, knowledge and pedagogical tools on how to integrate the gender approach and the principles of gender equality into filmmaking, * Build benefeciaries capacities in scenario writing and develop practical guides from the gender and human rights perspectives, * Produce 2 practical guides and 15 films scenarios. |
Target Group |
Professionals in film industry |
Empowering Women towards Gender Equality in the MENA Region through Gender Mainstreaming in economic
Donor | Partners | Budget | periode | country |
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency | Budget of the project SIDA - CAWTAR : 593695.00 $ | Start Date : 12/1/2017 End Date : 6/30/2019 |
Algeria Egypt Jordan Lebanon Morocco Tunisia |
Outcome | More women enjoy equal rights, life prospect and opportunities with men towards Gender Equality thanks to better integration in labour and trade markets |
Output | Output 1: “Gender and Trade appropriate Knowledge is produced and made available for sensitisation, policy making and strategic planning Output 2: A priority-based strategic framework of interventions on Gender Mainstreaming in Trade towards Equality validated. Output 3: # of Gender & Trade networks and coalitions set up to conduct evidence-based policy dialogue and advocacy for change campaign towards mainstreaming gender equality in economic policies and trade agreements |
Target Group |
Women & men Governments & civil society organisations |
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