Training Sessions
English, 04 December 2019
Training Session under CAWTAR/ICTDAR project
Promotion of Women Rights through Information, for media institutions and journalists.
(January 2006, Tunisia).
builing regional expertise on UNIFEM Module on CEDAW
(January 2006, Tunisia).
CAWTAR/SAUDI National Human Rights Committee
Reinforcing Institutional Capacities to Combat Family Violence. Training will be offered to Saudi social workers
(Jeddah, March, 2006).
Annual Workshop on ICT and Enhancing Micro-Credit Services for Low Income Women
Funded by the Islamic Development Bank. Training benefits 21 new micro-credit institutions based in Algeria, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia. The trainees also attended mini-session organized on the sideline of Sanabel Micro-Credit Annual Conference.
( 25th –28th Nov. 2005, Marrakech, Morocco)
Series of Training Sessions under CAWTAR/ICTDAR project
Promotion of Women Rights through Information, for Tunisian governmental staff and NGOs delivering social and legal services to women and children.
(Feb- Nov 2005, Tunisia)
CAWTAR/Sanabel Training Session “Operational Risks Management”
Benefited 25 Tunisian staff of governmental financial services and NGOs active in field of micro-credit
(28th-30th of April 2005, Tunisia)
League of Arab States Women Division/UNIFEM/CAWTAR Training program, Resource Mobilization
For government institutions and NGOs on methodologies to raise funds to support their gender projects and programs. The training benefited 22 trainees from Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Morocco, Somalia, Tunis, United Arab Emirates. (10th –12th Sept., 2005 Tunisia)
Arab Human Rights Institute / CAWTAR
The Arab Human Rights Institute organized training session on the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Part of the training materials were based upon CAWTAR’s 2nd AWDR, “Arab Adolescent Girl: Reality and Prospects”.
The training was held in February 2OO4 in Cairo, Egypt, and in May 2004 in Tunisia.
Training sessions on the preparation of national reports for Beijing + 10
League of Arab States / UNIFEM / ESCWA / CAWTAR organized training sessions on the preparation of national reports for Beijing + 10, for middle and senior government staff.
March 2004, in Cairo, Egypt.
Gender, Poverty and Employment
ILO / CAWTAR: CAWTAR co-organized training session in which the ILO's kit, “Gender, Poverty and Employment” was used to train Yemeni government officials from the Ministries of Planning, Labor, Commerce, and Women’s Affairs, as well as NGOs staff to integrate gender in Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs).
The training took place in April, 2004, in Sanaa, Yemen.
Reinforcing Capacitates of Iraqi Journalists
UNIFEM/CAWTAR: CAWTAR co-organized training session, Reinforcing Capacitates of Iraqi Journalists, to enable trainers to cover political developments in Iraq from gender perspectives.
The Training took place in October, 2004 in Amman, Jordan.
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