Clearing House
Clearing House
The Gender Clearinghouse is a virtual space to exchange published, unpublished knowledge and data related to gender issues and CAWTAR’s fields of interest.
The Gender Clearinghouse offers opportunities to @nged’s members to publish their studies and take advantage of the latest papers, studies reports as well as proceedings issued in the frame work of seminars, conferences and meetings organized by CAWTAR and its partners.
The Gender Clearinghouse includes also the Center’s various databases and links to CAWTAR’s different specialized websites designed in the framework of various projects.
The Gender Clearinghouse offers information and data in different supports (pdf, videos, listing, press review, specialized bibliography, training kits, reports,…) on gender issues such as : women and economic participation, Gender based violence, Women and decision making, Women and environment,…
The Gender Clearinghouse is targeting researchers, media specialists and decision makers working on gender issues.
CAWTAR Gender Clearinghouse is supported by various partners mainly AGFUND.
All EventsLast News
Tunisie, 03 February 2025
Tunis, 13 January 2025
Gatar et Beni Ayach, 05 January 2025
Pour acquisition équipement pour transformation déchets organiques à El Gtar et à Beni Ayech