Technical Assistance
Technical Assistance
As a center of expertise in gender and human rights related issues, CAWTAR provides technical assistance on demand to different partners.
CAWTAR’s technical assistance competencies take various forms and modalities :
- Engendering specific activities and projects by organizing workshops, conducting research, delivering training, undertaking peer reviews, and providing expertise on gender-related issues.
- Assessing gender responsiveness of a number of UN Programmes.
- Memoranda of Understanding and annual work plans.
Just for instance:
Capacity Building for Gender Responsiveness in UNICEF Programming”, covering: Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Oman, GCC offices; The project is expected to:
- Assess planning documents and processes
- Reinforce capacities of staff on gender mainstreaming in programming
A Team of Senior Experts from CAWTAR’s Network @NGED (Arab Network for Gender and Development) is set and reinforced to be able to deliver technical assistance to UNFPA regional and country offices on request in different gender related areas within the mandate of UNFPA.
CAWTAR- Syrian Republic of Family Affairs
Based on the general MoU signed between the two partners in 2009, an annual work plan is prepared on a yearly basis. In 2009, CAWTAR delivered a Training of Trainers programme on “Youth and Reproductive Health, through Gender and Human Rights perspective” in Eastern and Northern Syria.
Build capacities of service providers on gender responsiveness for victims of violence.
World Bank
Build on staff’s knowledge of gender issues.
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