Competitions' annoucement
English, 16 December 2019
Call for Applications for the Mobilization of Gender Equality Actors at a Local Level
This call for applications aims to identify associations which want to encourage networking and joint actions with other gender equality actors of their territory following a local approach. The 7 selected associations (1 for each of the 7 beneficiary countries of the call for applications: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia)will constitute and coordinate a local cluster of gender equality actors.
A local cluster of gender equality actors is made up by maximum 5 actors working for gender equality as:
- An association actively committed to gender equality
- A research or education institute on women and gender's issues
- A local or regional authority or a government service in charge of making gender equality progress
- An enterprise or trade union actively committed to gender equality
- Media actively committed to gender equality.
Every local cluster of gender equality actors will launch a pilot mobilization action of equality actors in its territory around a topic of specific interest related to gender equality. This pilot mobilization action will be constituted by exchange, consulting and research activities, debates and follow up of public policies in terms of gender equality within the territory. Herein, the word "territory" means an administrative division such as a region, province or metropolitan area of a big city.
Every pilot action will firstly lead to the elaboration of a diagnosis of the situation on the local context about a topic of specific interest related to gender equality. Secondly, the action pilot will allow the collective and participative identification of a fieldwork project in order to overcome the barriers faced during the diagnosis.
The interested associations are invited to consult the call for applications and to fill the online application form available at in English, French and Arabic before September, 12th 2016 at Midnight (Barcelona hour).
This call for application corresponds to the pilot mobilization actions for 2016 (Cycle 2). It is framed within the Axis 1 "Strengthening the capacities of actors working for gender equality" of the project "Women of the Future in the Mediterranean" funded by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development (MAEDI) and the project "Developing women's empowerment" labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean.